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To Meet You Where You Are

Explore My Mind & Body Package

3 months 

Maybe you aren’t quite sure if this is the right place but you have curiosity. If you are ready to start gaining awareness around the unconscious mind, this is a great option for you. 

  • 6 private coaching sessions via Zoom (sessions every other week for 3 months)

  • 6 private yoga sessions 

  • Additional exercises and tools to support you in your goals

Journey Through Mind & Body Package

6 months

A deep dive into your unconscious. Start to make decisions from a conscious place and see aspects of your life begin to change. 

  • 12 private coaching session via Zoom (sessions every other week for 6 months)

  • One additional 90-minute-deep dive session

  • 12 private yoga sessions

  • Additional exercises and tools to support you in your goals

At Home in Your Body Package

12 months

Become the driver of your life. Feel confident in working with your unconscious mind to create lasting changes and consistency in your life. 

  • 24 private coaching sessions via Zoom (sessions every other week for 12 months)

  • Two additional 90-minute-deep dive sessions

  • 24 private yoga sessions

  • Additional exercises and tools to support you in your goals

Book Your Free Body Insight Assessment 

I look forward to connecting! 

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